Stuffs about me

Insert your own picture.
Width preferably less than 150px.
Write something about yourself.

Extra 1
Description 1
Write anything you like here.

Extra 2
Description 2
Write anything you like here.

Happy Birthday Natalie
Saturday, May 16, 2009 7:42 AM
The day started by waking up at 6.30 a.m for school on the 'SATURDAY'. Had the Sivik and Maths 1 paper today. Thank God I managed to solve the questions. After school I and Wayne went back to my house to get ready for the party. They will be having the party at 'Binjai Residency' and the birthday girl is Natalie the super cute american chinese girl!!! We went back before the other's because we have to rush to tuition at Kasturi. Wayne fall asleep at the class after 1 shot of cocktail at the party. Here some picture of the party and the cutie girl.A shot by Wayne

The Pool

Wayne's head.

Wayne can't deal with this drinks.

The Kids