Stuffs about me

Insert your own picture.
Width preferably less than 150px.
Write something about yourself.

Extra 1
Description 1
Write anything you like here.

Extra 2
Description 2
Write anything you like here.

KPP Seminar
Wednesday, June 10, 2009 3:29 AM
It is still holiday and yet I have to wake up early for the KPP Seminar. KPP stands for 'Kurikulum Pendidikan Pemandu' for the god damn 6 hours. Lawrence the instructor went and pick up Kok Siong before me. To me the 6 hours is a total waste of time. 1 hour waiting for the lecturer, 1 hour talk, 1 hour break, 2 hours video, 1 hour answer question. But I really can't wait to get my licence as the goverment say the public transport cost are increasing soon. So I'm not gonna spend a single penny anymore taking public transport. Undang test tomorrow. Hope I could pass the test successfully.